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Human rights and bioethics updates

A blog dedicated to updating you upon legislation and ethical debates around human rights (principally under the angle of law-enforcement forces) and bioethics (under the angle of the protection of vulnerable persons). You are welcome to leave your comments on any of the posts!

Monday, April 18, 2005

« Why do you have that pack on your laps doctor? - It is to better kill you my child »

There were shocking developments on the plane of the entrance of euthanasia in daily life: a firm specialised in the furniture of pharmaceutical products, the society Multipharma decided to announce the creation of special " euthanasia packs " with a combination of anaesthetics, penthothal, Norcuron, a form of curare, and a leaflet of instructions. Cynically a representative explained that the curare was necessary in some occurrencs to "finalise the euthanasic act". Price: 45 EUR (a little more in dollars).

The announcement came after claims that many pharmacists refused to sell products necessary to perform an euthanasia, in saying that they did not have the necessary products. The proponents of euthanasia presented this pack as an " advance " which would oblige pharmacists to clearly take position on euthanasia.

What is more worrying is that after becoming an ideal means of cutting health expenses, euthanasia is now becoming an occasion of earning more money for firms without scruples. In addition to recent news according to which, about 50 % of all children dead before the age of 1 year in Flanders had been " helped " to die by physicians (with 17 illegal euthanasias), this gives the setting of a frightful commercial and deadly society. Is that not being a sort of incitation to murder, and creating the means of killing people? Read the article of The Telegraph here , if you wish: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/04/09/weuth09.xml&sSheet=/portal/2005/04/09/ixportal.html

All is now in place to put in operation a deadly commercial logic to promote euthanasia in Belgium: the physicians are going to kill because they are convinced that they are doing it for the " best " of their patient; firms are selling the means of killing and have the luxury of taking the moral high ground, because in addition of earning the salary of the executioner, they are " helping " the patient and cutting into the expenses of health care; finally politicians, totally unconscious of the type of society they are creating, are pushing to widen always more the scope of euthanasia and of " mercy killing ".

This is a new nazism which is in its birth. It is the creation not of an immoral society, but of an amoral society, a society which will become dangerous for the whole of Europe. How to fight against? The question is: do we wish to have a European Union, completely incapable of talking of morals and of life? In my opinion, we are better without.