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Human rights and bioethics updates

A blog dedicated to updating you upon legislation and ethical debates around human rights (principally under the angle of law-enforcement forces) and bioethics (under the angle of the protection of vulnerable persons). You are welcome to leave your comments on any of the posts!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Polls and opinion manipulation

A few words of update on my previous post: I had indicated that 63 % of Americans supported the decision of removing the feeding tube of Terri Schiavo. A rapid read-around on another blog http://attemptedmurder.blogspot.com/ (strongly pro-life as everyone can guess) has brought me to revise this finding. Actually, one of my most interesting courses was that of historical critics: it taught me to check the way the questions were formulated. And indeed, the question as it was formulated was :

Schiavo suffered brain damage and has been on life support for 15 years. Doctors say she has no consciousness and her condition is irreversible. Her husband and her parents disagree about whether she would have wanted to be kept alive. Florida courts have sided with the husband and her feeding tube was removed on Friday.
What’s your opinion on this case - do you support or oppose the decision to remove Schiavo’s feeding tube? Do you support/oppose it strongly or somewhat?

You may find the whole poll on this site: http://abcnews.go.com/images/Politics/978a1Schiavo.pdf

This strongly suggests a supportive reply, since it is alleged that her condition is irreversible (that is all the essence of the debate between the parents and the husband).

A more recent poll has found the amount of support for the removal of the tube decreasing to 52 %, in an USA Today phone poll.

So is the case open again? It all depends now on the legal creativity of lawmakers or the Supreme Court.