Police brutalities in Turkey
Sorry for the long absence, but there was quite a period of bad weather here. The principal news that we may call to attention was the way the Turkish police celebrated the international day of women: they forcefully dispersed a pacific demonstration of women in Istambul (see The Financial Time's account over here: http://news.ft.com/cms/s/92f4bf62-8f78-11d9-af70-00000e2511c8.html. This incident took place on the very day that a troïka of European ministers went inTurkey to discuss the opening of adhesion discussions with the EU in October 2005.
This sadly illustrates that what has begun as a bid to obtain the inclusion into the EU of a country which is famous for its records of condemnation by the European Court of Human Rights for acts of torture by its police forces. The attempts of Turkey to bully its way into the EU already forespoke of what would mean the inclusion of this country into the EU: it would mean the end of the evolution towards a greater respect for human rights on the Continent.
This sadly illustrates that what has begun as a bid to obtain the inclusion into the EU of a country which is famous for its records of condemnation by the European Court of Human Rights for acts of torture by its police forces. The attempts of Turkey to bully its way into the EU already forespoke of what would mean the inclusion of this country into the EU: it would mean the end of the evolution towards a greater respect for human rights on the Continent.
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