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Human rights and bioethics updates

A blog dedicated to updating you upon legislation and ethical debates around human rights (principally under the angle of law-enforcement forces) and bioethics (under the angle of the protection of vulnerable persons). You are welcome to leave your comments on any of the posts!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Two very different ends to calvary

The death of Pope John-Paul II, last week seems to have brought up two quite diferent responses to the calvary of the end of life. On the one side we saw this courageous and immense sovereign pontiff fighting until the last breath, and giving us the example that a suffering life is still worth living. On the other side, referring to the Schiavo case, it was difficult not to see an inadequate insistance to put an end to life. Maybe that the message of Pope John-Paul II was even greater because he taught us to live with suffering. Public response to his courage has illustrated the formidable lesson he gave to the younger generations.