When French students are obliged to justify abortion...
The French Baccalauréat (A-level) is a passage obligé for almost every French student who wishes to study in the university (even though its success rate is of almost 80 %). Well, in the last session, on June 9, the students who had an examination of sciences were confronted with an exam question asking them to develop, on the basis of an article of the newspaper Le Monde which was favourable to abortion, arguments for a legalization of abortion in France.
French catholic associations have denounced what they call a "heinous manipulation" obliging students who might be against abortion to argument in favour. The French association Choisir la vie threatened to begin an action in justice against the French state if the academic authorities do not renounce to evaluate students on the basis of that question (which was an optional question and which was graded for 2 points (on a total of 20).
Here are the questions as they were given in French:
The question had to take support on this extract of article:
You may find the whole document of the exam (in French) here . No further news were heard of the possible law suit against the State...
And here you may find a justification of the French academic authorities.
French catholic associations have denounced what they call a "heinous manipulation" obliging students who might be against abortion to argument in favour. The French association Choisir la vie threatened to begin an action in justice against the French state if the academic authorities do not renounce to evaluate students on the basis of that question (which was an optional question and which was graded for 2 points (on a total of 20).
Here are the questions as they were given in French:
Question 4 (2 points) Saisir des informations et mobiliser des connaissances pour argumenter
a) À l'aide du document 4, dégager des arguments en faveur de l'autorisation légale de l'IVG en France.
b) Argumenter l'idée selon laquelle l'avortement n'est pas considéré comme un moyen de contraception.
The question had to take support on this extract of article:
Document 4 : IVG : la stabilité des chiffres cache de nouveaux comportements. Trente ans après l'entrée en vigueur de Ia loi Veil, "la contraception et, en cas d'échec, le recours à l'IVG ont permis le passage d'un modèle de maternité sous contrainte à celui de maternité choisie, contribuant ainsi à redéfinir la parentalité au féminin, comme au masculin" estime "Population et Sociétés". Et, contrairement à ce qu'affirmaient les opposants à l'avortement lors de l'adoption de la loi, la légalisation de l'IVG n'a pas eu d'impact démographique. "Une IVG ne constitue pas une naissance en moins mais une naissance reportée à plus tard dans un contexte plus favorable" explique Mme Bayes. La fécondité française, qui avait fortement baissé de 1964 à 1976, est stabilisée : depuis trente ans, le nombre d'enfants souhaités par les français est inchangé et les femmes en ont toujours autant.
Source : Extrait du Monde du Jeudi 9 décembre 2004
You may find the whole document of the exam (in French) here . No further news were heard of the possible law suit against the State...
And here you may find a justification of the French academic authorities.
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